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Home Destination Polonnaruwa


Polonnaruwa was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, due to its abundance of historic remains. The city of Polonnaruwa was named the capital of Sri Lanka by its first king, Vikayabahu I who is popular for defeating the Chola invaders in the year 1070. Polonnaruwa Architecture, Art and Sculpture is well displayed at Gal Viharaya, Thuparamaya Image House and Lankatilaka Image House and many other sites scattered throughout Polonnaruwa ancient city. Shiva Dewale, a hindu temple that was built during the 13th century, is also one of the famous attractions in Polonnaruwa. The Lankathilaka temple and a colossal statue of the Buddha made from stone is located here. As well as ancient palace ruins and the remains of Buddhist and Hindu shrines, there are four breathtaking statues of Lord Buddha at Gal Vihara, a colossal dagoba and the Satmahal Prasada.